Group Pension Schemes

Corporate Trustee Service

Individual consideration but broadly:

Full financial plan package:500-6500 based on the complexity of the case. This will be advised to the customer in the terms of business

Annual Maintenance: Maintenance fee of €1,500 per annum indexing in line with CPI plus servicing fee of up to €75 per member per annum.

Fund based commissions: 0 – 0.75% per annum.

This service can also be provided on a commission basis – see Scale of Commissions below.

Annual Fee: Depends on pension scheme size, but usually in the region of €100 plus up to €50 per member per annum.

Small Self-Administered Pension Schemes (SSAPS)

SSAPS Set-Up Fee: €2,000.

The annual maintenance fee above may be increased where the SSAPS invests in direct property.

Pensions Advice & Reviews:  €200 – €250 per hour depending on complexity involved.

Overall Financial Review:  €200 – €250 per hour depending on complexity involved.

Corporate Advisory Fees:  are negotiated on a case by case basis but broadly €200 – €250 per hour.

Scale of Commissions

Pensions – Group Scheme, Executive, Personal, PRSA Regular Contributions:

Level Commission Model: Up to 5% of annual contribution.

Initial & Renewal Commission Model: Up to 25% of annual contribution and annual renewal & commission of up to 5% may also apply.

Fund Based Commission: Up to 1% per annum.

Single Contributions: Up to 5% of contribution.

Fund Based Commission: Up to 1% per annum.

Buy out Bond/Approved Retirement Fund (ARF)/Approved Minimum Retirement Fund (AMRF):

Initial Commission:  2% – 5% of amount invested.

Fund based commission: Up to 1% per annum.

Protection: Term Assurance, Mortgage Protection, Specified Illness, Income Protection – up to 225% of annual premium & annual renewal commission may also apply.

Group Risk: Between 6% and 12.5% of annual premium.

Investment Bonds: 2% – 3% of amount invested & annual renewal commission may also apply.

Fund Based Commission: Up to 1% per annum.

Regular Savings Plan: Up to 25% of annual premium & annual renewal commission of up to 5% may also apply.

Fund Based Commission: Up to 1% per annum.

Structured Investment Products:  Up to 5% of amount invested (usually built into product pricing structure).

Fund Based Commission: Up to 1% per annum.

Residential Mortgages & Re-mortgaging: 0.75% – 1% of loan amount.

Minimum fee:  €1,000 – Balance payable by client.

*Please note that some life insurance companies may pay additional remuneration, but this does not in any way affect the client’s contract.